
  • drei-wireframe-configurator

Renders an Antialiased, shader based wireframe on or around a geometry.

  <geometry />
  <material />

  <Wireframe /> // Will apply wireframe on top of existing material on this mesh

// OR
  geometry={geometry | geometryRef} // Will create the wireframe based on input geometry.

  // Other props
  simplify={false} // Remove some edges from wireframes
  fill={"#00ff00"} // Color of the inside of the wireframe
  fillMix={0} // Mix between the base color and the Wireframe 'fill'. 0 = base; 1 = wireframe
  fillOpacity={0.25} // Opacity of the inner fill
  stroke={"#ff0000"} // Color of the stroke
  strokeOpacity={1} // Opacity of the stroke
  thickness={0.05} // Thinkness of the lines
  colorBackfaces={false} // Whether to draw lines that are facing away from the camera
  backfaceStroke={"#0000ff"} // Color of the lines that are facing away from the camera
  dashInvert={true} // Invert the dashes
  dash={false} // Whether to draw lines as dashes
  dashRepeats={4} // Number of dashes in one seqment
  dashLength={0.5} // Length of each dash
  squeeze={false} // Narrow the centers of each line segment
  squeezeMin={0.2} // Smallest width to squueze to
  squeezeMax={1} // Largest width to squeeze from