
Renders a THREE.Line2 using THREE.CatmullRomCurve3 for interpolation.

  points={[[0, 0, 0], ...]}       // Array of Points
  closed={false}                  // Default
  curveType="centripetal"         // One of "centripetal" (default), "chordal", or "catmullrom"
  tension={0.5}                   // Default (only applies to "catmullrom" curveType)
  color="black"                   // Default
  lineWidth={1}                   // In pixels (default)
  dashed={false}                  // Default
  vertexColors={[[0, 0, 0], ...]} // Optional array of RGB values for each point
  {...lineProps}                  // All THREE.Line2 props are valid
  {...materialProps}              // All THREE.LineMaterial props are valid