type Props = Omit<ThreeElements['perspectiveCamera'], 'children'> & {
/** Registers the camera as the system default, fiber will start rendering with it */
makeDefault?: boolean
/** Making it manual will stop responsiveness and you have to calculate aspect ratio yourself. */
manual?: boolean
/** The contents will either follow the camera, or be hidden when filming if you pass a function */
children?: React.ReactNode | ((texture: THREE.Texture) => React.ReactNode)
/** Number of frames to render, 0 */
frames?: number
/** Resolution of the FBO, 256 */
resolution?: number
/** Optional environment map for functional use */
envMap?: THREE.Texture
A responsive THREE.PerspectiveCamera that can set itself as the default.
<PerspectiveCamera makeDefault {...props} />
<mesh />
You can also give it children, which will now occupy the same position as the camera and follow along as it moves.
<PerspectiveCamera makeDefault {...props}>
<mesh />
You can also drive it manually, it won't be responsive and you have to calculate aspect ratio yourself.
<PerspectiveCamera manual aspect={...} onUpdate={(c) => c.updateProjectionMatrix()}>
You can use the PerspectiveCamera to film contents into a RenderTarget, similar to CubeCamera. As a child you must provide a render-function which receives the texture as its first argument. The result of that function will not follow the camera, instead it will be set invisible while the FBO renders so as to avoid issues where the meshes that receive the texture are interrering.
<PerspectiveCamera position={[0, 0, 10]}>
{(texture) => (
<mesh geometry={plane}>
<meshBasicMaterial map={texture} />