
  • Minecraft

A rudimentary keyboard controller which distributes your defined data-model to the useKeyboard hook. It's a rather simple way to get started with keyboard input.

type KeyboardControlsState<T extends string = string> = { [K in T]: boolean }

type KeyboardControlsEntry<T extends string = string> = {
  /** Name of the action */
  name: T
  /** The keys that define it, you can use either event.key, or event.code */
  keys: string[]
  /** If the event receives the keyup event, true by default */
  up?: boolean

type KeyboardControlsProps = {
  /** A map of named keys */
  map: KeyboardControlsEntry[]
  /** All children will be able to useKeyboardControls */
  children: React.ReactNode
  /** Optional onchange event */
  onChange: (name: string, pressed: boolean, state: KeyboardControlsState) => void
  /** Optional event source */
  domElement?: HTMLElement

You start by wrapping your app, or scene, into <KeyboardControls>.

enum Controls {
  forward = 'forward',
  back = 'back',
  left = 'left',
  right = 'right',
  jump = 'jump',
function App() {
  const map = useMemo<KeyboardControlsEntry<Controls>[]>(()=>[
    { name: Controls.forward, keys: ['ArrowUp', 'KeyW'] },
    { name: Controls.back, keys: ['ArrowDown', 'KeyS'] },
    { name: Controls.left, keys: ['ArrowLeft', 'KeyA'] },
    { name: Controls.right, keys: ['ArrowRight', 'KeyD'] },
    { name: Controls.jump, keys: ['Space'] },
  ], [])
  return (
    <KeyboardControls map={map}>
      <App />

You can either respond to input reactively, it uses zustand (with the subscribeWithSelector middleware) so all the rules apply:

function Foo() {
  const forwardPressed = useKeyboardControls<Controls>(state => state.forward)

Or transiently, either by subscribe, which is a function which returns a function to unsubscribe, so you can pair it with useEffect for cleanup, or get, which fetches fresh state non-reactively.

function Foo() {
  const [sub, get] = useKeyboardControls<Controls>()

  useEffect(() => {
    return sub(
      (state) => state.forward,
      (pressed) => {
        console.log('forward', pressed)
  }, [])

  useFrame(() => {
    // Fetch fresh data from store
    const pressed = get().back