
Used by widgets that visualize and control camera position.

Two example gizmos are included: GizmoViewport and GizmoViewcube, and useGizmoContext makes it easy to create your own.

Make sure to set the makeDefault prop on your controls, in that case you do not have to define the onTarget and onUpdate props.

  alignment="bottom-right" // widget alignment within scene
  margin={[80, 80]} // widget margins (X, Y)
  onUpdate={/* called during camera animation  */}
  onTarget={/* return current camera target (e.g. from orbit controls) to center animation */}
  renderPriority={/* use renderPriority to prevent the helper from disappearing if there is another useFrame(..., 1)*/}
  <GizmoViewport axisColors={['red', 'green', 'blue']} labelColor="black" />
  {/* alternative: <GizmoViewcube /> */}