
  • object gizmo controls
    object gizmo controls

Controls for rotating and translating objects. These controls will stick to the object the transform and by offsetting or anchoring it forms a pivot. This control has HTML annotations for some transforms and supports [tab] for rounded values while dragging.

type PivotControlsProps = {
  /** Enables/disables the control, true */
  enabled?: boolean
  /** Scale of the gizmo, 1 */
  scale?: number
  /** Width of the gizmo lines, this is a THREE.Line2 prop, 2.5 */
  lineWidth?: number
  /** If fixed is true is remains constant in size, scale is now in pixels, false */
  fixed?: boolean
  /** Pivot does not act as a group, it won't shift contents but can offset in position */
  offset?: [number, number, number]
  /** Starting rotation */
  rotation?: [number, number, number]
  /** Starting matrix */
  matrix?: THREE.Matrix4
  /** Anchor point, like BBAnchor, each axis can be between -1/0/+1 */
  anchor?: [number, number, number]
  /** If autoTransform is true, automatically apply the local transform on drag, true */
  autoTransform?: boolean
  /** Allows you to switch individual axes off */
  activeAxes?: [boolean, boolean, boolean]
  /** Allows you to disable translation via axes arrows */
  disableAxes?: boolean
  /** Allows you to disable translation via axes planes */
  disableSliders?: boolean
  /** Allows you to disable rotation */
  disableRotations?: boolean
  /** Allows you to disable scaling */
  disableScaling?: boolean
  /** RGB colors */
  axisColors?: [string | number, string | number, string | number]
  /** Color of the hovered item */
  hoveredColor?: string | number
  /** HTML value annotations, default: false */
  annotations?: boolean
  /** CSS Classname applied to the HTML annotations */
  annotationsClass?: string
  /** Drag start event */
  onDragStart?: () => void
  /** Drag event */
  onDrag?: (l: THREE.Matrix4, deltaL: THREE.Matrix4, w: THREE.Matrix4, deltaW: THREE.Matrix4) => void
  /** Drag end event */
  onDragEnd?: () => void
  /** Set this to false if you want the gizmo to be visible through faces */
  depthTest?: boolean
  opacity?: number
  visible?: boolean
  userData?: { [key: string]: any }
  children?: React.ReactNode
  <mesh />

You can use Pivot as a controlled component, switch autoTransform off in that case and now you are responsible for applying the matrix transform yourself. You can also leave autoTransform on and apply the matrix to foreign objects, in that case Pivot will be able to control objects that are not parented within.

const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4()
return (
    onDrag={({ matrix: matrix_ }) => matrix.copy(matrix_)}