
  • TransformControls and makeDefault
    TransformControls and makeDefault

An abstraction around THREE.TransformControls.

You can wrap objects which then receive a transform gizmo.

<TransformControls mode="translate">
  <mesh />

You could also reference the object which might make it easier to exchange the target. Now the object does not have to be part of the same sub-graph. References can be plain objects or React.MutableRefObjects.

<TransformControls object={mesh} mode="translate" />
<mesh ref={mesh} />

If you are using other controls (Orbit, Trackball, etc), you will notice how they interfere, dragging one will affect the other. Default-controls will temporarily be disabled automatically when the user is pulling on the transform gizmo.

<TransformControls mode="translate" />
<OrbitControls makeDefault />