
  • Viewcube

Renders a heads-up-display (HUD). Each HUD is a scene on top of the previous. That scene is inside a React createPortal and is completely isolated, you can have your own cameras in there, environments, etc. The first HUD (renderpriotity === 1) will clear the scene and render the default scene, it needs to be the first to execute! Make sure to be explicit about the renderpriority of your HUDs.

type HudProps = {
  /** Any React node */
  children: React.ReactNode
  /** Render priority, default: 1 */
  renderPriority?: number
  /* Renders on top of the default scene with a perspective camera */
  <PerspectiveCamera makeDefault position={[0, 0, 10]} />
    <ringGeometry />

  /* Renders on top of the previous HUD with an orthographic camera */
;<Hud renderPriority={2}>
  <OrthographicCamera makeDefault position={[0, 0, 10]} />
    <boxGeometry />