
  • Using decals
    Using decals

Abstraction around Three's DecalGeometry. It will use the its parent mesh as the decal surface by default.

The decal box has to intersect the surface, otherwise it will not be visible. if you do not specifiy a rotation it will look at the parents center point. You can also pass a single number as the rotation which allows you to spin it.

  <sphereGeometry />
  <meshBasicMaterial />
    debug // Makes "bounding box" of the decal visible
    position={[0, 0, 0]} // Position of the decal
    rotation={[0, 0, 0]} // Rotation of the decal (can be a vector or a degree in radians)
    scale={1} // Scale of the decal
      polygonOffsetFactor={-1} // The material should take precedence over the original

If you do not specify a material it will create a transparent meshBasicMaterial with a polygonOffsetFactor of -10.

  <sphereGeometry />
  <meshBasicMaterial />
  <Decal map={texture} />

If declarative composition is not possible, use the mesh prop to define the surface the decal must attach to.

<Decal mesh={ref}>
  <meshBasicMaterial map={texture} polygonOffset polygonOffsetFactor={-1} />