
  • Splats

A declarative abstraction around antimatter15/splat. It supports re-use, multiple splats with correct depth sorting, splats can move and behave as a regular object3d's, supports alphahash & alphatest, and stream-loading.

type SplatProps = {
  /** Url towards a *.splat file, no support for *.ply */
  src: string
  /** Whether to use tone mapping, default: false */
  toneMapped?: boolean
  /** Alpha test value, , default: 0 */
  alphaTest?: number
  /** Whether to use alpha hashing, default: false */
  alphaHash?: boolean
  /** Chunk size for lazy loading, prevents chokings the worker, default: 25000 (25kb) */
  chunkSize?: number
} & ThreeElements['mesh']
<Splat src="https://huggingface.co/cakewalk/splat-data/resolve/main/nike.splat" />

In order to depth sort multiple splats correectly you can either use alphaTest, for instance with a low value. But keep in mind that this can show a slight outline under some viewing conditions.

<Splat alphaTest={0.1} src="foo.splat" />
<Splat alphaTest={0.1} src="bar.splat" />

You can also use alphaHash, but this can be slower and create some noise, you would typically get rid of the noise in postprocessing with a TAA pass. You don't have to use alphaHash on all splats.

<Splat alphaHash src="foo.splat" />