
  • r3f-fairly-realistic-grass
  • r3f-fairly-realistic-grass
  • r3f⚡ meshsurfacesampler-component (forked)
    r3f⚡ meshsurfacesampler-component (forked)

Declarative abstraction around MeshSurfaceSampler & InstancedMesh. It samples points from the passed mesh and transforms an InstancedMesh's matrix to distribute instances on the points.

Check the demos & code for more.

You can either pass a Mesh and InstancedMesh as children:

// This simple example scatters 1000 spheres on the surface of the sphere mesh.
  weight={'normal'} // the name of the attribute to be used as sampling weight
  transform={transformPoint} // a function that transforms each instance given a sample. See the examples for more.
  count={16} // Number of samples
    <sphereGeometry args={[2]} />

  <instancedMesh args={[null, null, 1_000]}>
    <sphereGeometry args={[0.1]} />

or use refs when you can't compose declaratively:

const { nodes } = useGLTF('my/mesh/url')
const mesh = useRef(nodes)
const instances = useRef()

return <>
  <instancedMesh args={[null, null, 1_000]}>
    <sphereGeometry args={[0.1]}>

  <Sampler mesh={mesh} instances={instances}>