A declarative, three.MeshLine
based Trails implementation. You can attach it to any mesh and it will give it a beautiful trail.
Props defined below with their default values.
width={0.2} // Width of the line
color={'hotpink'} // Color of the line
length={1} // Length of the line
decay={1} // How fast the line fades away
local={false} // Wether to use the target's world or local positions
stride={0} // Min distance between previous and current point
interval={1} // Number of frames to wait before next calculation
target={undefined} // Optional target. This object will produce the trail.
attenuation={(width) => width} // A function to define the width in each point along it.
{/* If `target` is not defined, Trail will use the first `Object3D` child as the target. */}
<sphereGeometry />
<meshBasicMaterial />
{/* You can optionally define a custom meshLineMaterial to use. */}
{/* <meshLineMaterial color={"red"} /> */}
👉 Inspired by TheSpite's Codevember 2021 #9