
  • Outlines

An ornamental component that extracts the geometry from its parent and displays an inverted-hull outline. Supported parents are <mesh>, <skinnedMesh> and <instancedMesh>.

type OutlinesProps = ThreeElements['group'] & {
  /** Outline color, default: black */
  color: ReactThreeFiber.Color
  /** Line thickness is independent of zoom, default: false */
  screenspace: boolean
  /** Outline opacity, default: 1 */
  opacity: number
  /** Outline transparency, default: false */
  transparent: boolean
  /** Outline thickness, default 0.05 */
  thickness: number
  /** Geometry crease angle (0 === no crease), default: Math.PI */
  angle: number
  /** Clipping planes, default: null (no clipping) works the same as clipping planes on any material */
  clippingPlanes: THREE.Plane[] | null
  <boxGeometry />
  <meshBasicMaterial />
  <Outlines thickness={0.05} color="hotpink" />