
  • Text3D alignment
    Text3D alignment

Render 3D text using ThreeJS's TextGeometry.

Text3D will suspend while loading the font data. Text3D requires fonts in JSON format generated through typeface.json, either as a path to a JSON file or a JSON object. If you face display issues try checking "Reverse font direction" in the typeface tool.

<Text3D font={fontUrl} {...textOptions}>
  Hello world!
  <meshNormalMaterial />

You can use any material. textOptions are options you'd pass to the TextGeometry constructor. Find more information about available options here.

You can align the text using the <Center> component.

<Center top left>

It adds three properties that do not exist in the original TextGeometry, lineHeight, letterSpacing and smooth. LetterSpacing is a factor that is 1 by default. LineHeight is in threejs units and 0 by default. Smooth merges vertices with a tolerance and calls computeVertexNormals.

<Text3D smooth={1} lineHeight={0.5} letterSpacing={-0.025}>{`hello\nworld`}</Text3D>