
  • Bounds and makeDefault
    Bounds and makeDefault
  • Clones

Calculates a boundary box and centers the camera accordingly. If you are using camera controls, make sure to pass them the makeDefault prop. fit fits the current view on first render. clip sets the cameras near/far planes. observe will trigger on window resize. To control the damping animation, use maxDuration to set the animation length in seconds, and interpolateFunc to define how the animation changes over time (should be an increasing function in [0, 1] interval, interpolateFunc(0) === 0, interpolateFunc(1) === 1).

const interpolateFunc = (t: number) => 1 - Math.exp(-5 * t) + 0.007 * t // Matches the default Bounds behavior
const interpolateFunc1 = (t: number) => -t * t * t + 2 * t * t          // Start smoothly, finish linearly
const interpolateFunc2 = (t: number) => -t * t * t + t * t + t          // Start linearly, finish smoothly

<Bounds fit clip observe margin={1.2} maxDuration={1} interpolateFunc={interpolateFunc}>
  <mesh />

The Bounds component also acts as a context provider, use the useBounds hook to refresh the bounds, fit the camera, clip near/far planes, go to camera orientations or focus objects. refresh(object?: THREE.Object3D | THREE.Box3) will recalculate bounds, since this can be expensive only call it when you know the view has changed. reset centers the view. moveTo changes the camera position. lookAt changes the camera orientation, with the respect to up-vector, if specified. clip sets the cameras near/far planes. fit centers the view for non-orthographic cameras (same as reset) or zooms the view for orthographic cameras.

function Foo() {
  const bounds = useBounds()
  useEffect(() => {
    // Calculate scene bounds

    // Or, focus a specific object or box3
    // bounds.refresh(ref.current).clip().fit()
    // bounds.refresh(new THREE.Box3()).clip().fit()

    // Or, move the camera to a specific position, and change its orientation
    // bounds.moveTo([0, 10, 10]).lookAt({ target: [5, 5, 0], up: [0, -1, 0] })

    // For orthographic cameras, reset has to be used to center the view (fit would only change its zoom to match the bounding box)
    // bounds.refresh().reset().clip().fit()
  }, [...])

  <Foo />