
  • drei-spotlight-shadows

A shadow caster that can help cast shadows of different patterns (textures) onto the scene.

    distance={0.4} // Distance between the shadow caster and light
    alphaTest={0.5} // Sets the alpha value to be used when running an alpha test. See Material.alphaTest
    scale={1} //  Scale of the shadow caster plane
    map={undefined} // Texture - Pattern of the shadow
    shader={undefined} // Optional shader to run. Lets you add effects to the shadow map. See bellow
    width={512} // Width of the shadow map. The higher the more expnsive
    height={512} // Height of the shadow map. The higher the more expnsive

An optional shader prop lets you run a custom shader to modify/add effects to your shadow texture. The shader provides the following uniforms and varyings.

varying vec2vUvUVs of the shadow casting plane
uniform sampler2DuShadowMapThe texture provided to the map prop
uniform floatuTimeCurrent time

Treat the output of the shader like an alpha map where 1 is opaque and 0 is transparent.

gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(1.), 1.); // Opaque
gl_FragColor = vec4(vec3(0.), 1.); // Transparent