A randomized light that internally runs multiple lights and jiggles them. See below, you would normally pair it with AccumulativeShadows
. This component is context aware, paired with AccumulativeShadows it will take the number of frames from its parent.
type RandomizedLightProps = ThreeElements['group'] & {
/** How many frames it will jiggle the lights, 1.
* Frames is context aware, if a provider like AccumulativeShadows exists, frames will be taken from there! */
frames?: number
/** Light position, [0, 0, 0] */
position?: [x: number, y: number, z: number]
/** Radius of the jiggle, higher values make softer light, 5 */
radius?: number
/** Amount of lights, 8 */
amount?: number
/** Light intensity, 1 */
intensity?: number
/** Ambient occlusion, lower values mean less AO, hight more, you can mix AO and directional light, 0.5 */
ambient?: number
/** If the lights cast shadows, this is true by default */
castShadow?: boolean
/** Default shadow bias, 0 */
bias?: number
/** Default map size, 512 */
mapSize?: number
/** Default size of the shadow camera, 10 */
size?: number
/** Default shadow camera near, 0.5 */
near?: number
/** Default shadow camera far, 500 */
far?: number
<RandomizedLight castShadow amount={8} frames={100} position={[5, 5, -10]} />
Refernce api
interface AccumulativeLightContext {
/** Jiggles the lights */
update: () => void;