
  • Thunder clouds
    Thunder clouds
  • Clouds

Particle based cloud.

type CloudsProps = ThreeElements['group'] & {
  /** Optional cloud texture, points to a default hosted on rawcdn.githack */
  texture?: string
  /** Maximum number of segments, default: 200 (make this tight to save memory!) */
  limit?: number
  /** How many segments it renders, default: undefined (all) */
  range?: number
  /** Which material it will override, default: MeshLambertMaterial */
  material?: typeof Material
  /** Frustum culling, default: true */
  frustumCulled?: boolean

type CloudProps = ThreeElements['group'] & {
  /** A seeded random will show the same cloud consistently, default: Math.random() */
  seed?: number
  /** How many segments or particles the cloud will have, default: 20 */
  segments?: number
  /** The box3 bounds of the cloud, default: [5, 1, 1] */
  bounds?: ReactThreeFiber.Vector3
  /** How to arrange segment volume inside the bounds, default: inside (cloud are smaller at the edges) */
  concentrate?: 'random' | 'inside' | 'outside'
  /** The general scale of the segments */
  scale?: ReactThreeFiber.Vector3
  /** The volume/thickness of the segments, default: 6 */
  volume?: number
  /** The smallest volume when distributing clouds, default: 0.25 */
  smallestVolume?: number
  /** An optional function that allows you to distribute points and volumes (overriding all settings), default: null
   *  Both point and volume are factors, point x/y/z can be between -1 and 1, volume between 0 and 1 */
  distribute?: (cloud: CloudState, index: number) => { point: Vector3; volume?: number }
  /** Growth factor for animated clouds (speed > 0), default: 4 */
  growth?: number
  /** Animation factor, default: 0 */
  speed?: number
  /** Camera distance until the segments will fade, default: 10 */
  fade?: number
  /** Opacity, default: 1 */
  opacity?: number
  /** Color, default: white */
  color?: ReactThreeFiber.Color

Use the <Clouds> provider to glob all clouds into a single, instanced draw call.

<Clouds material={THREE.MeshBasicMaterial}>
  <Cloud segments={40} bounds={[10, 2, 2]} volume={10} color="orange" />
  <Cloud seed={1} scale={2} volume={5} color="hotpink" fade={100} />