
  • Stage presets
    Stage presets

Creates a "stage" with proper studio lighting, 0/0/0 top-centred, model-shadows, ground-shadows and optional zoom to fit. Make sure to set makeDefault on your controls when adjustCamera is true!

type StageProps = {
  /** Lighting setup, default: "rembrandt" */
    | 'rembrandt'
    | 'portrait'
    | 'upfront'
    | 'soft'
    | { main: [x: number, y: number, z: number]; fill: [x: number, y: number, z: number] }
  /** Controls the ground shadows, default: "contact" */
  shadows?: boolean | 'contact' | 'accumulative' | StageShadows
  /** Optionally wraps and thereby centers the models using <Bounds>, can also be a margin, default: true */
  adjustCamera?: boolean | number
  /** The default environment, default: "city" */
  environment?: PresetsType | Partial<EnvironmentProps>
  /** The lighting intensity, default: 0.5 */
  intensity?: number
  /** To adjust centering, default: undefined */
  center?: Partial<CenterProps>

type StageShadows = Partial<AccumulativeShadowsProps> &
  Partial<RandomizedLightProps> &
  Partial<ContactShadowsProps> & {
    type: 'contact' | 'accumulative'
    /** Shadow plane offset, default: 0 */
    offset?: number
    /** Shadow bias, default: -0.0001 */
    bias?: number
    /** Shadow normal bias, default: 0 */
    normalBias?: number
    /** Shadow map size, default: 1024 */
    size?: number

By default it gives you contact shadows and auto-centering.

<Stage adjustCamera intensity={0.5} shadows="contact" environment="city">
  <mesh />

For a little more realistic results enable accumulative shadows, which requires that the canvas, and models, can handle shadows.

<Canvas shadows>
  <Stage shadows="accumulative">
    <mesh castShadow />